Colour your life – Introduction

It is time to start a new project!

“Sitting in his nowhere land” is still ongoing, but it’s been a while that I wanted to share this new photography project, that I’ve called “Colour your life”. It’s pretty self-explanatory so I don’t really need to say too much about it.

I just think this is the right time to do it. I am usually not a big fan of the end of the year, even more recently…
Winter, cold and dull weather, grey sky, short days, a little sadness going on… I know it also means Christmas time, which should be all merry! But a few days before that, I have to endure another “special” day, my birthday, which makes me think every year that I’m getting older. Quite stupid, I know…
And with the recent events in Paris, the sadness is greater…

So, this is it! Let’s put some colours on the web and some smiles on the faces!

Stay tuned!…